World: Apoth - North East Coast


  • Religious Symbols of Lothandar.
  • Encountered some kind of puzzle with a bowl and religious items.
  • Windy Bridge Room:
    • Stole a necklace, which woke up zombies.
    • The necklace makes him happy but doesn’t appear to be magical.

7/24/2024 - To Rohendahl - Our HQ is known as “The Roost”

  • A merchant wagon, led by a horse, passed by us, covered in a wagon.
    • Jade figurines in the back.
    • Rellik raises an… (cut off).

At the Roost:

  • Intro Grayvin via barfight (Orgs, wolves & rangers).
  • Mandy: Offers a 10 gold contract.
    • After discussing zombies, we agree to an additional 2gp hazard pay for not talking about them.
    • Rellik and Finn toss Grayvin a gold piece each.
    • Arkanis the Wizard - Didn’t catch his deal.


  • Roland (David) wanted to visit a quartermaster at the start of the session.
    • Buys a rapier, receives a whetstone, and conditioning oil (adds 1d6).
    • Also buys a bagpipe, haggling unsuccessfully, and picks up beginners’ pipes.


  • Wizard Tower
  • St. James Infirmary
    • Offered to do cartography work in exchange for insight on a potential job.
      “Dwarven temple, history is vague. The entrance was hidden for years. Archeologist Jenny unearthed it. Shrine to ancient heroes. The only thing known about it is its existence.”


  • Grundle and Gravyn steal from the wizard. Trinkets and potions are taken.
  • Gravyn tastes a potion, making his mouth numb. A bird is now following him.
  • Grundle stole an immovable rod and a cursed ring that compels him to speak in rhymes.

Travel to the Dig Site

  • The journey is largely uneventful.
  • During my watch shift, an old woman approached from the south, heading to Teyvor.
    • Her name is Baba, and she’s originally from Yeboah in the desert.
    • Smoked with her.
    • Evidently, I am very high.


  • Wake up - Still very high.
    • Made “Corned Beef Hash.”
    • Aelix is anxious, consoled by Grayvin.

Overturned Cart Encounter:

  • Scarecrow Guy: Aelix gets shot with an arrow, and the guy runs off.
    • Grayvin gives chase, Grundle inspects the cart and gets shot.
    • Grayvin tackles and grapples the assailant.
    • The guy is shot in the hand by Relik.
    • The crates are from EBTC (East Bay Trading Company).
    • A LOT of lecturing Relik to stop being a douchebag.

Exploration of the Structure:

  • Infrastructure is destroyed.
  • Entered a fine craftsmanship structure.
  • Wreckage and a stone door with sigils are inside, along with tents outside.
    • This must be the Archeologist caravan.

Rest and Discovery

  • Temple to Dumathoin: A dwarven god.
    • Translator Thar hasn’t returned for 5 days from the temple.
  • Foul-smelling person with chunks missing from their arm.
    • Blue Flame Sconces: Something about a withered tree.
    • Toots gets a thorn in his tongue.
  • Encounter a ghast after a long battle.
    • The group moves on, discussing why the dwarves were zombified.
    • Aelix takes rubbings of Dwarvic runes for Rohendal Academy.

Rest and Next Steps

  • Plan to clear out the bad guys by blowing up the undead.

9/4/24 - Return to the Ruins

  • Aelix and Jenny (the archeologist) discuss explosive powder. Jenny gives the party some bricks of it.
  • Grayvin offers more work opportunities before turning in.
  • Roland picks the coziest tent to sleep in.
  • Aelix struggles to sleep.

Misty, Foggy Day

  • Smoke is seen in the distance, likely a cooking fire.
  • Aelix enters, blending in poorly. Roland jams with his lute (nat 20 [25]), earning some coin.

The Innkeeper, Barsom

  • Roland orders a rough mutton shawarma.
  • Locals gossip about Relik and Tootie’s sins.

Return to the Roost & Next Job

  • Met Mandy: The group wasn’t expecting undead involvement.
  • Reward: 20gp (bonus hazard pay due to Roland’s persuasion).
  • Next job is a security detail escorting a caravan from the dig site.

Session 5 - (9/11/2024)

At the Campsite

  • Rel: Busy packing up the caravans.

Ambush Discovery

  • Trap: We discover what turns out to be a trap, setting the stage for an ambush.
  • Attackers: The attackers appear to be goblins.
  • Marking: One of the goblins is wearing a marking of a red hand.

Escape Plan

  • Quick Egress: As soon as the trap is destroyed and the ambushers reveal their positions, we decide to egress quickly.
  • Minimal Injury: Despite the ambush, we suffer only minor injuries, making this our least violent job to date—a very successful outing.


Heard something about:
“The Knights of Dwimmer rest here.”

Tipping Off the Authorities

  • Authorities: We discuss raising our findings to the authorities.
  • Forgery: Grayvin forges handwriting, and we conspire to find a street urchin to post a warning about the Red Hand Goblins.


  • 20GP and Two Health Potions:
    • Rellik takes the health pots.