Session 6 - 9/25/24

Job: Capture Henry Kissinger

  • Reward: 20gp (+10gp if returned alive)
  • Known Details:
    • Wears a dark green cloak
    • Missing two fingers on his left hand
    • Operates south of the city

Quartermaster Stop

  • Bought poison bolts: 3gp

City Guard Stop

  • Got information on Kissinger’s location
  • Grumble snubs the guards on the way out

Oldman Encounter

  • I gave the old man 2gp
  • Grundle gave him a coin after asking about Kissinger
  • The old man was robbed by our perp, Henry Kissinger
  • He slips Grundle and me each a small wooden trinket
  • ASether casts Healing Word on him

Approaching Smoke

  • Smelled fire, saw a small column of smoke to the east
  • Disturbed vegetation near the area
  • Rellik ranges about, working with Grayvin to set a snare trap
  • Aelix agrees to be bait for the trap
  • Group plans to disorient the target using:
    • Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
    • Booming sounds, flashes
    • Mage Hands flipping the bird, etc.

Grayvin’s Recon

  • Sneaks up and projects bear sounds to lure the highwaymen out
  • IDs at least two enemies before returning
  • Group discusses using Grayvin’s highwayman experience to their advantage

Final Plan

  • Get within earshot of the enemies
  • Grayvin will lure them closer using bear growls
  • Aelix and Grundle will disguise themselves as highwaymen to draw them out

The Execution

  • Aelix lures the bandits with Roland’s bardic inspiration
    • Pretends to be a bear-wounded victim
    • Hands them a brick of runepowder
    • Turns, creates another bear sound, lights the fuse, and runs
  • I cast Dex Hex on the one holding the brick
  • Grayvin hits one highwayman with a bolt, he cries for help
  • Grundle sneaks forward and uses Mage Hand to untie or loosen the rope
  • The brick explodes, killing two bandits and destroying the rope
    • The blast disorients everyone, causing tinnitus and flashbang-like effects
  • Roland quickly prepares a new rope for climbing if needed

New Encounter

  • Four more enemies emerge from the cave, including Henry Kissinger